The Ballot Remake Station (BRS) provides a ballot remake (i.e. duplication) capability for localities with ES&S ElectionWare or Dominion DemocracySuite tabulation systems in a standalone, offline product. This requires an election to be created within Enhanced Ballot, that will be exported to the offline system.
If you are utilizing the ballot remake module for your implementation, you will first need to set-up an election with your PDFs according to the Import Guide for your tabulation system. All features within the Enhanced Ballot product pertaining to Ballot Remakes can be found under both “Ballot Processing” and “Tools” within the election dashboard. The first section, called “Remake Ballots,” can be found under “Ballot Processing.” This page will display a list of all remakes to date for your election and will be useful to perform reprints and log all duplicated ballots.
When the election is first created, ballot remakes will be disabled. Only an administrator can enable them.
Scan Barcodes
Click on Scan Ballots to begin scanning barcodes. This feature is for ballots which were created by Enhanced Ballot.
The AutoPrint option is enabled by default. This generates the print screen. You can disable this and print from the master list of ballot remakes later if you prefer.
The full screen mode hides the rest of the menus in case you are projecting this screen to the public.
Next, click on “Request Camera Permissions.” Your browser will prompt you for permission to use your camera. Click "Allow" to proceed.
When the camera is scanning, hold the ballot with the barcode such that the barcode is inside of the light area. The corners of the focus area will flicker green when the barcode is read. You may have to hold the barcode very still for large barcodes.
If you hold the ballot there after the scanner flashes green, the scanner may read it twice. If this happens, it will give you a warning that the ballot has been scanned before. This is ok because it is processing the first scan.
If “AutoPrint” is enabled, the browser will initiate the print screen. If you do not have “AutoPrint” enabled, the file download will be initiated, and a PDF will download once completed.
Manual Remakes
The manual remake option is for ballots which do not have a barcode created by Enhanced Ballot. This is typically absentee ballots which are not scannable and need to be remade.
From here you will need to choose a ballot identifier and select the appropriate ballot style for duplication. Once this is done, click “Start,” and a new tab will open allowing the person to transcribe the voter’s selections.
This new page will also allow you to select a Manual Remake Type if those options were created in Settings>Remake. The page will appear similar to the following.
Select the ballot choices as chosen by the voter and select “Print” at the bottom of page. This will automatically download the PDF version of the ballot which can then be opened and printed from your downloads folder.
Manual Remakes – Edit
On the Remake Ballots page, if a remade ballot requires an adjustment, click the “edit” button on the right-hand side. A new tab will open with the ballot so that you can adjust as needed. Once you have printed an edited remake, you will see it appear on this page as a new line item. The tracking ID will be updated with the original number plus “- #” representing the tracked change. This number will continue to increase if edits are made to the already edited remade ballot. If the Remake Type was adjusted, the prefix on the Tracking ID will adjust accordingly.