Beneath “Remake Ballots,” you will also see the “Remake Settings.” Within these settings, you can enable ballot remakes, define the randomized ballot identifier for each ballot, as well as adjust your label preferences.

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated


Ballot Remakes Enabled – This box must be checked before any scanning or manual remaking can be done. Check this box only after you have run the diagnostic reports to confirm proper ballot remaking.

Ballot Remake Label Prefix – Defines a preset prefix to all ballot remakes.

Ballot Remake Label Minimum Number – This is the lowest number generated for your ballot identifier. It should start at a higher number to ensure multiple digits and no duplicating ballot identifiers.

Ballot Remake Label Maximum Number – This is the highest number for your ballot identifier. It should be high enough to ensure no duplicate ballot identifiers are generated.

The ballot identifiers generated by the voter’s local machine when printing their ballot will fall into this range. The default ballot identifiers generated for the manual ballot remake operation will fall into this range.