The “Ballot Layout” feature is used to override certain defaults which are useful in configuring proper duplication of ballots for your election. This section also allows you to define the size, color, and location of the unique ballot identifier, as well as modify the offsets and spacing of ovals and timing marks for the duplicated ballot.

Changes to these settings will affect all duplicated ballots. The “Ballot Identifier Label” settings move the label around that prints the unique ballot identifier. These are the most common overrides because you need to set the label in a white space area on your ballots.

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The “Custom Layout Configuration” allows you to move the marked ovals. Negative values move shift the ovals up and left. Positive values shift the ovals down and right. The “Timing Mark Spacing” changes the space used in between timing marks, however, these rarely need to be changed. Lastly, “Write-in Text Location Adjustments” allows you to move this piece of text as well.

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All adjustment units are in millimeters.